Anyway, enough of my confessional… on to a few little tidbits to make you smile. Cole, as we all know, has an interesting mind – as do many kids. But somehow the kid rouses a smile in me when I least expect it.
1) Worksheet exercise: In what ways does your family show their love for you? Cole’s response: "They feed and water me."
2) Worksheet exercise: Write an example of different types of prayer (praise, contrition, petition, etc). For thanksgiving? Cole's response, “I’m thankful for this bountiful turkey.” Okay, thanksgiving. I get it.
3) On discussing the importance of meditation and listening to God as Eli was called by God, Cole nods in understanding. Then he says, “Do you suppose we get to eat the bread we made today?”
Apparently God was speaking through Cole’s tummy.
No matter, Cole is showing signs of spiritual development as he is quite a caring little boy…and he can’t wait for his First Communion. He is especially looking forward to the wine. Good sign. Good sign.