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Friday, July 30, 2010

Back to the Real World

So after a lovely vacation I went back to earn my pay. Starting back on a Thursday had some nice benefits. Suddenly, I feel compelled to take up a cause for the two-day work week. This CFO has done no math on the business case yet, so not sure if my argument will fly...I'll keep you posted.

Anyway, I told my kids that I'd do my best to keep a cheery attitude after I started back to work. Translation: when I come home after a long day, I won't be bitchy. After all, who cares if the house has a little mess? Well....

First day have two chores for the day. Only two.

  1. Fold and put laundered clothes away. (Threads were scattered throughout the laundry room in hampers and line-drying as I had not had time to do much else after a quick trip to Kansas City.)
  2. Clean hamster cage.
Most importantly - COMPLETE CHORES IN THAT ORDER. Since the hamster cage is cleaned in the laundry room, I didn't want any of Flash's poop hanging on my linen capris.

When I got home that night, I was pleasantly surprised to see Alex scrubbing the kitchen counter and explaining that she had just popped a Tombstone in for supper. Perfect! I told her. Things were going beautifully.

"And you finished chores?"

"Yep! They're all done."

Ahhh. I'm feeling pretty darn good about life. Then guess what I had to go and do? Veer off into the laundry room. And while all the hampers were gone, my stomach plummeted as I noticed my t-shirts, capris and shorts all hanging above the counter where (you guessed it) the hamster cage is cleaned. And yes, there was evidence of hamster bedding on the counter. Which very well means there could've been hamster poop all over my freshly-laundered clothing.

But instead of yelling at my well-meaning kids, I calmly explained the rationale for putting away the laundry before cleaning the hamster cage. Now, my kids would've had to actually push the clothing out of the way to clean the hamster cage. The t-shirts would've been hitting their faces. So it amazes me that they didn't at least take off the clothing and lay it away from cage-cleaning station. What were they thinking? Why can't they think of these things? Okay, calm down. It doesn't matter really, does it? Nevertheless...I hope they understand now.

I kissed them on their sweet and silly heads and told them thanks. Then taking a deep breath, I stepped outside to enjoy the aroma and the abundance of my phlox.

Yes, tonight I'm reverting back to a photo of my flowers....later I'll capture some more vacation photos. Wait til you see the ridiculous roller coaster we endured. Talk about silly.


Amy said...

I wish I didn't care about a clean house, was easier when we were kids. Dirty clothes and messy house meant nothing to me.

Stef Kramer said...

I distinctly not caring about a clean house when I was little and wondering why it mattered to my mom so much! Hmmm. Wish I still felt that way at times.