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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Last Thread of SoccerMomDom

there she goes
Last week Alex the Eldest took off for Denver to begin her life. Degree in hand, she'll be working at a swanky restaurant and freelancing her way into a journalism career. These are exciting times for her as Doug and I navigate our new parental role. Doug seemed to understand his responsibilities immediately. First things first: Get her off our car insurance. I felt a bit more unclear of my role. Could I still advise her how to dress? (As if she'd listen.) Should we be there to help her assemble her new IKEA furniture? Do we send all of her belongings to the new address? Or should we leave those few remnants of her youth to allow us some tearful nostalgic binges? These are important questions.

This week Cole the Youngest turned 18. In theory, he's an adult. In theory. He continues to live his life according to principles posited from the Marvel Universe. (Not the worst thing... "with great power comes great responsibility...") The only thing that really concerns me about Cole's age is the draft requirement. And getting into college. And sports injuries. And his focus on girls. Okay, so there are a few things that make me as nervous as a cup of coffee. Luckily for Cole, Alex is 600 miles away, so I can really help him through just about any matter in his life that I think he needs help with. Also, luckily for
Making a cupcake/college decision.
I don't dare show the actual video.
Cole, his father won't always let me do that. Damn, my hubby's too wise at times.

Doug and I had our 25th wedding anniversary this week. We didn't have to worry about the kids throwing us a silver-themed party. They hardly remembered to text! That's okay. I clearly remember the self-absorption of a young adult. Trying to understand your place in the world. Blending your skill with your passions. Narrowing down your passions! And of course, getting paid.

Cole's just really getting his feet wet in this way. He has a year to figure out where he wants to go to college and what he wants to major in. My purpose is clear here.  (Get into U of Iowa and become a doctor! Duh!) But what about my 22-year-old? I'm actually beginning to realize Alex still needs me. I've fielded a few amusing calls. She's a smart girl, but the W4 has her befuddled. And she's already lost her debit card once. And what pharmacy can she use? And her box spring will definitely not fit in the new place. I love it. Sure, the issues seem kind of trivial. But every time I see Alex's name pop up on my phone, I feel a wave of happiness. My time as a soccer mom might be fading, but my time as just a good ole' mom, always here, is as vivid as ever.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stef loved reading this. Love Connie