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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Now that's a Blog!

I came across an article on how to make a successful blog. (They provided Ana White's blog as an example. It's pretty awesome, isn't it? I was suspicious though. One woman created and managed this? Really?) As a business person, I felt a teensy bit silly for not thinking of it before. Really, to attract a million followers, you only need to present stuff people want to see. Brilliant! So, I started to brainstorm products that might be useful just in case my followers have grown tired of hearing about my kids, husband and dog. Admittedly, nothing was coming to me at first. (Should I discuss the movie we watched last night? Star Wars I? I just don't think anyone would care...)

Okay, so here's what I came up with. My two product picks of the week...

  1. The Wall Street Journal: My favorite daily paper. The Journal teaches me words like inimitable, bonhomie and superannuated...even if I don't ever use them, or remember them by next month. The journalism is pure poetry. I often find myself smiling upon a sentence...even if the message being delivered was bitter. It will also make you super duper informed. Or, as a journalist from WS would probably say, you'll reflect a certain air of erudition.
  2. ZUM soap and lotion. With ingredients like goats milk, and other organic elements, I feel like I'm at a spa whenever I dab a bit of lemon grass, eucalyptus or sea salt on me. Amazingly enough, the stuff is sold at my mother's store,  rubi j. (How's that for a plug, Mummy?)
Okay, now that I feel a bit like a used-car salesman, how about a quick story from the home front. So, we got new furniture. In the process, we transitioned the old sectional to the basement to make room for the new. Of course, it's always interesting to see what wrappers, toys, ponytail holders, etc. will rise up when a couch is moved. What you don't usually expect to find is a complete sloppy joe. So, once again, I declared the living room FOOD FREE. I felt this would be particularly critical now that we've just spent a small fortune on furniture. Guess how long it lasted? As I was snapping a photo tonight, I noticed Cole was slurping up a plate of mac-n-cheese. Well, at least it wasn't something that won't spill all over the place...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol I liked your post. How long have you had your blog for? I just decided I had to get into this blogging thing and already am at that point where I'm trying to figure out what I should stick to and finally landed a solid topic that I can talk about for years if need be haha. Deleted 2 earlier blogs though.

"If you know anyone who suffers from addiction, especially young adults come here and talk to people."

Great post though, I am going to try to figure out how to follow your blog lol,