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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Stuff I Think Kicks

Oprah has her favorite things...and she has a lot of them, but I suppose when you make that much money, what they hay? Well, in my little world, there are a few things that I think KICK BUTT. Allow me to share:

1) MAGIC HANGERS - they are truly as sweet as they appear on the commercial. I spent an hour in my closet today, assembling, arranging, hanging, and smiling. The memory of my organized closet is making me smile this very minute. As a matter of fact, I might go take another peek. Some of you might remember my inability to organize? If only there could be more magic gadgets. Magic cupboards, magic junk drawers, magic file cabinets...I can't wait to see what this magic company comes out with next.
2) Le Chameau Wellington Boots (while magic hangers called for UPPER CASE letters, this name brand seemed to call for italics.) Yes, when Eddie Bauer put them on sale, I broke down and bought a pair. I've been dreaming of wearing these lovely rubbers for years now. Really. I wore them on a walk this morning (heck, it was like nearly 25 degrees), and while my hubby thought me ready to do chores, I felt like dashing through a picturesque English country side and daftly handling the herd of sheep I'd meet on the road.
3) Star Wars. When there's nothing to do and nothing to talk about, you can always rely on Star Wars. It can be weaved into every conversation and the movies never ever become stale.

That's all for now. Have a good weekend.

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