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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Football Fever

It all began with a simple game of catch. No, let me back up. It all began when we stopped at Scheels in Iowa City, home of the Hawkeyes. We all needed a Hawkeye update since we'll be going to the inter-state rivalry in a couple of weeks.
As we step foot into the store, I'm easily thrown into a nostalgic trance as the black and gold colors of my Alma Mater practically blind my eyes. Doug becomes like a kid in a candy store, picking out as many gawdy outdoor home decorations as he can find. Alex,well she needs this and this and this to go with that and what about this? (Does anyone remember Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber when he goes to the grocery store with vert little cash to purchase "just the essentials", then comes out of the store with things like a cowboy hat and a giant pinwheel? Well, there you go.) And then there's Cole. It's a completely new venture for him - this Scheels in Iowa City. And, yes, he's bitten.

Of course the first thing that Cole needs is a sports card plaque of a former Hawkeye player that made it into the NFL.

"Cole, do you know Dallas Clark?"

"No, but it would look so good in my room!" What? It has nothing to do with Batman!

Then he brings me another. I don't even recognize the guy.

"Cole, go look at stuff with your Dad."

So, he does. Luckily we can convince Cole to buy something for $2 and he's satisfied. And even though I made Alex put back the Hawkeye bling shirt for $50 and the matching shorts, for another $45, we still walk out of the store with a bill over $250. But we should all look good for the upcoming game. And you should see the front of our house. Stop by and you'll feel very welcomed in "Hawkeye Country."

Next episode: Cole's new favorite Despite my efforts.


Anonymous said...

We are all for college football. It's a favorite at our house ... however, Iowa is not at the top of our list.

Oh, I know, we live in Iowa and all, but Big Daddy graduated from Purdue ... so we're Boilermakers all the way.

Hey, at least I'm staying in the Big 10, right?

Stef Kramer said...

Definitely! Big 10 is better than Big 12... Sorry you Cyclones!